Thursday, February 25, 2010
Happy Accidents
We didn't make it to the station in time to go to Washington DC today......but we got great recommendations on lunch and happy hour. Check out Sasha's for lunch and Mick O' Shea's for happy hour if ever you visit Baltimore. Completely awesome for different reasons.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Run through
So, the rehearsal was Saturday. One theme dictated at first: LOST. Nearly everyone got completely and utterly lost trying to find the venue. It's not exactly a typical wedding venue or even an event venue. It's an office complex. The address says it's on a highway, and it isn't. All the online map and direction providers conspire against this place, because they all give incorrect directions. So, a few people drove right to the place (I think with the help of the handy-dandy map and directions from the invitations, but perhaps not). Everyone else, had to make one if not many phone calls to find it. We had the space for an hour for the rehearsal, and thank goodness, because one showed up forty-five minutes late. Then apparently, when people did arrive, the parking garage refused to allow them to park. Ugh. The day of the wedding I sent out an email trying to make sure my guests don't get equally lost, warning them of the online map situation. Fun times.
The rehearsal was genuinely good though. I felt love in the room. People listened (something severely lacking in most parts of the wedding planning). We talked through it, then walked through it twice. No sweat. I was quite impressed, as I expected far more mass chaos. Nope. Listening, doing, and lots of laughing. Could anyone ask for more?
The luncheon was also fabulous. BJs pizza garnered praise from my Italian mother-in-law! Woot!! Everyone loved their gifts and much camaraderie was had that I had been sorely missing. It was one of those genuinely good days full of good memories. Thank you to all that contributed.
The rehearsal was genuinely good though. I felt love in the room. People listened (something severely lacking in most parts of the wedding planning). We talked through it, then walked through it twice. No sweat. I was quite impressed, as I expected far more mass chaos. Nope. Listening, doing, and lots of laughing. Could anyone ask for more?
The luncheon was also fabulous. BJs pizza garnered praise from my Italian mother-in-law! Woot!! Everyone loved their gifts and much camaraderie was had that I had been sorely missing. It was one of those genuinely good days full of good memories. Thank you to all that contributed.
Monday, February 22, 2010
And now for something completely different.....
Yeah, go Python fans, go.
So, the wedding should be in the books when this pops up. Now that all is said and done, I'd like to show you some of the insane projects I did. I only say insane because three of my bridesmaids, plus an extra friend for good measure, kept telling me it was while helping me finish the flowers after the rehearsal. And they didn't even see all the projects! Huh. I guess I just thought that's what people did. No?
So, first guestbook. I dislike guestbooks that you just sign your name. I'm just not looking for a roll call here people! So, I decided to try to make my own. It's a bit.....rustic. (Yeah, that's it. Rustic. That's the nice word for odd and utterly handmade, right?) So, I used plain cardstock for the pages, adding engagement photos and scrapbooking stickers. The covers were made of cardboard scored so that the book would open and covered in various remnants I found in craft stores. All of the parts were hole-punched so that I could hammer in grommets and hold the whole thing together with ribbon. Honestly, I completely love the outcome! It was a couple hours worth of work, but it's just what I'd hoped. And the cost was about the price of a journal at any large bookstore. The photos were the expensive bit....if roughly $11 can be called expensive. I sent the extra couple cents at an online photo printer for "professional" quality prints. Still not utterly professional, but better than glossies from the drug store.
It's being put out at the wedding with a sign that encourages people to write all over it! I hope they do. I'll show you photos later if they really did.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Forever starts here
Conversation as we drifted off to sleep.....
Me: Is it Christmas yet?
Him: Soon but you have to sleep first.......and wait an entire day.
Me: Doh, poor planning.................
The last few things are left to load into the Element.....Ruby has her seats latched to the interior walls so that we could adequately load her down with decorations, speakers, flowers, and the like. the last few things are left to be loaded after a truly chaotic, busy, productive, joyful day yesterday. We're enjoying the calm before the storm (which is funny because it's pouring ferociously outside our house right now and is supposed to stop later). It's just me and him right now....relaxing and about to sip a cappuccino with a nip of Frangelico and a biscotti. This will be a good day. Oh yes.
Photos of stuff that still needs to find space in the car for the trek to the venue......and the manicure set I used this morning. :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
And the moment you've all been waiting for.....
Today feels almost more important and certainly more chaotic than tomorrow. Yeah, I get married tomorrow, but you plan and plan and plan for that. Today is the rehearsal. You don't rehearse the rehearsal. I mean, that would be redundant, right? So, today is the first day for most of my immediate family, most of his immediate family, all the maids, and all the men to come together in one spot with the goal of learning how to make tomorrow even better and more seamless. Then we all dine together. To me, today has FAR more potential for disaster, as all of these people have never been in one place at one time or worked together ever before. Will there be dominance struggles? Will they all get along for the good of the common goal? There's simply no way to know. I went to dinner with hairdresser bridesmaid and redheaded bridesmaid last night.....after pedicures! And they both said that they are looking more forward to today than tomorrow because they want to see all of this potential drama play out. They giggled in the acknowledgment that their enjoyment comes at the cost of my stress level and fleeing sanity. I really can't blame them. I'm curious myself. Just not in the fun way they seem to be.
Eh, it will all be fine. Or it won't. But I'll still be married at the end of this weekend!
Eh, it will all be fine. Or it won't. But I'll still be married at the end of this weekend!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Errand day

Hey......did you know I'm getting married this weekend? Heh. Yeah, thought you might.
Today is the great big errand day. We have all sorts of places to run and collect things from. I wish there was a way to not have a day like this exist, but I think it is truly inevitable. First stop, breakfast with my aunt. She has our votive holders. They just came in yesterday. Next, Ravelin Bakery in Denton to pick up the stuff that we are creating our favors out of. Then several small store dash-in, dash outs. After that, we get to assemble our favors! Remember I showed you the little plantable gift tags that are going on them? So, it's a treat for now from the bakery and a treat for later from the wildflower seeds. Cute (or maybe cheesy), right?
This evening, my betrothed and I part ways. He's off for his stag party. (And please Lord, let it be a success.) I'm off for a pedicure with my redheaded cohort! My second pedi ever. Yeah, pathetic, I know. I might also swing into the gym beforehand. I gained this week, and yes, I went to the gym twice already. I'm not happy about it at all! Darn Valentine's brownies! They're just so irresistible with their little caramel swirl.
As a side brother send me an awesome picture text last night. It was a baby with a mohawk doing a mean face and pumping his fist with a caption that said "Let's $#@%^* do this!" and a note from him stating that this is our motto for the weekend. I laughed for a good five minutes over it. Good call, Bubba. Good call!
I can't find the baby photo online, so you get Rosie the Riveter instead. :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
This week has been excruciatingly long! I'm finally waking up to the last morning of work before the wedding. That's big. That means the next time I walk into the building for working purposes, I'll have a different name. I say it that way because I still have to go up and pick up my paycheck on Friday, name unchanged.
This brings me to names. I struggled a bit. Do I take his or don't I? Do I? Don't I? See, I love my albeit difficult last name. It's one of the few connections to my dad that has stayed constant. But, honestly, I don't need that name remain connected to him. We have an understanding and a bond that goes past me bearing his sir name. By taking my betrothed's name, I feel that I have chosen to be a part of him and his family. He's ambivalent, but I feel that sharing a name will bring us closer. Or maybe it's just me wanting to be old-fashioned. Just seems wrong NOT to do so....for me. You other ladies do what feels right for you. My mom is hyphenated. I can't do that. It would give me a nineteen character last name! All German with a hyphen. Good Lord. Can you imagine the telemarketer calls! He thinks I should do that just because of the hilarity that is sure to ensue! No, it's just too much.
So, I'm off to try to work one more day. Whoo.....wish me luck.
This brings me to names. I struggled a bit. Do I take his or don't I? Do I? Don't I? See, I love my albeit difficult last name. It's one of the few connections to my dad that has stayed constant. But, honestly, I don't need that name remain connected to him. We have an understanding and a bond that goes past me bearing his sir name. By taking my betrothed's name, I feel that I have chosen to be a part of him and his family. He's ambivalent, but I feel that sharing a name will bring us closer. Or maybe it's just me wanting to be old-fashioned. Just seems wrong NOT to do so....for me. You other ladies do what feels right for you. My mom is hyphenated. I can't do that. It would give me a nineteen character last name! All German with a hyphen. Good Lord. Can you imagine the telemarketer calls! He thinks I should do that just because of the hilarity that is sure to ensue! No, it's just too much.
So, I'm off to try to work one more day. Whoo.....wish me luck.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A case of nerves?
So the conversation goes like this......
Him: I'm ready for this to be over so that people will stop asking me if I'm nervous yet.
Me: Yeah, I get that a lot. Are you?
Him: No.....but I can feel it building.
Me: Really? You're getting nervous? Or do you just think they want to hear that?
Him: No, I feel that sort of build up in the back of my mind.
Me: Honey, why are you nervous?
Him: I'm waiting for the huge, inevitable disaster to happen.
Me: OH! I thought you were saying you were nervous about marrying me. (Phew)
Him: of course not.
HAHA! I told him right after that conversation over cooking dinner would have to be today's blog. That's priceless if you ask me.
Then right as we snuggled down for the night.....
Him: So.......are you nervous yet?
Him: I'm ready for this to be over so that people will stop asking me if I'm nervous yet.
Me: Yeah, I get that a lot. Are you?
Him: No.....but I can feel it building.
Me: Really? You're getting nervous? Or do you just think they want to hear that?
Him: No, I feel that sort of build up in the back of my mind.
Me: Honey, why are you nervous?
Him: I'm waiting for the huge, inevitable disaster to happen.
Me: OH! I thought you were saying you were nervous about marrying me. (Phew)
Him: of course not.
HAHA! I told him right after that conversation over cooking dinner would have to be today's blog. That's priceless if you ask me.
Then right as we snuggled down for the night.....
Him: So.......are you nervous yet?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Beads please!

So, I have a confession. I love any holiday that allows me to wear something for it! Shamrocks and green on St. Patty's, American flags on the forth, costumes on get the idea. I'm so excited today because I get to put purple and green together and wear my silly plastic beads in the shape of dice and a little zulu man! I know, it's totally silly, right? I mean, I never wear REAL big jewelry, but give me a themed holiday and I'll accessorize to the nines! I just love it.
I hope everyone digs out a strand of beads today and joins me in the foolishness!
Lovely mask from Photobucket.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy, happy!
My betrothed and I met two years ago today! It had been a rough week. I had bronchitis. He had two flat tires. I had to take a test running a fever of over 101. Plus, Valentines was that week, and I was still single. Even as a couple, I still don't care for that holiday! So, it was totally appropriate to me that we met the day after Valentines instead of ON Valentines. The best first date I'd ever had has turned into the most fulfilling relationship of my life. And for that, I am so very grateful for that.
Happy 2nd anniversary, my love! At the end of this week, I get to call you my husband.
Happy 2nd anniversary, my love! At the end of this week, I get to call you my husband.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!

And happy ONE WEEK till my wedding. Hehe.
We don't really do the valentine thing. Last year was our first one, and I cooked a very nice meal for us and another couple....who are both in our wedding party. I made white wine steamed mussels with a big loaf of Italian bread to soak up the sauces and beef and veggie grilled skewers for the main dish. We're on our own this year, but I'm still just going to cook us a very nice dinner with a bottle of wine. I just don't have the stomach for the crowds, the hiked up prices, and the imposed "romance".
I hope that everyone out there does a little something special for someone you love.....and get a little something in return. That's really all this day should be about, right?
Photo from Photobucket.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
A happy little jingle
Friday, February 12, 2010
Ready, Set, Snow!
Dear me! It dropped 10 inches of show in our area. The record (ever) is 12.1. WHAT THE?! Well, I took great advantage of it! As I said, we got our license! That was the goal of taking the day off. I also put the finishing touches on a gift, and I think I finished our playlists for the wedding! I need to give each a listen from start to finish to make sure nothing needs tweaking, but I am very happy with what I accomplished yesterday. I honestly feel like we are so close to being done, and I am grateful for that. The day off gave me a renewed sense of calm. I'm still not back in the nice near-zen state, but I'm getting closer to it.
Wish me luck on getting to work today. I'm waiting for sun up before I attempt it! After all, it's over 20 miles and involves a bridge spanning a lake!
Wish me luck on getting to work today. I'm waiting for sun up before I attempt it! After all, it's over 20 miles and involves a bridge spanning a lake!
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Well, folks, we are ten days out! TEN! Can you EVEN believe it, because part of me really can't. The other part genuinely wishes we were done and on our honeymoon. Don't get me wrong, I am still totally ready and excited to call this man my husband. I am looking forward to being on my brother's arm, staring at the man that I'm about to pledge my love and faithfulness to in an official forum standing next to my uncle beaming with joy. I'm looking forward to giggling with my bridesmaids. (And Lord I hope I giggle instead of yell and throw fits! That being a monster just because you're a bride thing just doesn't fly with me.) I'm looking forward to looking around the room and soaking in the community of those around us, who will support our marriage. What I am not looking forward to is any additional drama from anyone at this point. Yeah, there's been some....inadvertently and intentionally. Making sure everything is done has been a huge task, comprised of a zillion tiny tasks instead of one or two big ones. I have every confidence it will be done. Wait, no, I have every confidence that we'll be married regardless if they all get done. That's probably a better way of looking at things! The hugeness of this has just made itself very known these past few days. That's all.
And today. with beautiful snow falling all over our yard and Denton county, we're headed to the county clerk's office for our marriage license! HOW EXCITING IS THAT?! Exciting and expensive. Yeah, there's a new thing in Texas.....mandated pre-marital counseling. I have an issue with counseling that is imposed upon me through no fault of my own, unless deciding that this person is the person I want to spend my life with is some sort of character flaw! I guess think it was an okay idea if it had an age limit or something - because 18 year olds can tend to make hasty decisions - but I'm in my thirties and he's just a few months from it. I'm not opposed to counseling. Far from it! I'm opposed to it being forced on me without any real cause. No, we'll pay the penalty for not taking the counseling. (Stepping back of the soapbox.....for now.)
Wish us luck! I hope that his citizenship doesn't cause any issues. I couldn't find anything on the subject online.
Don't you love LOLcats??
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Yet another Etsy to the rescue moment has happened in this wedding! Can I just say that it is totally fantastic to have so many crafty people at my fingertips! Use this resource! If you take nothing else from this whole silly wedding blog.....take Etsy and use it. Anyhow, I found MiniBelle on Etsy. She makes custom, handmade hair accessories. I wanted simple Swarovski crystal in one crystal on a pin. I asked if she could do anything in the colors I need, and this is the sample she made to see if I liked it. Is it NOT gorgeous?! I must have. Oh yes. Must have. Hehe! And such an affordable luxury! This made me completely giddy for at least an hour. Yeah, I'm easy to please some times. Ha!
Photo from MiniBelle on!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Ah shucks!
Well, as I'm sure you all know by now. My Colt's lost. It was a little disappointing, to say the least, but I'm still proud of them. Now, my only diversion from the wedding is totally gone. All I have to focus on is our wedding.
Thank the Lord, I managed to be utterly productive this weekend. By 8am both days, I was already working on the list of chores I'd make for myself. I worked all day, both days this weekend. Today, I'm exhausted.
So, here's to Monday.....and staring vacantly at a computer.
Thank the Lord, I managed to be utterly productive this weekend. By 8am both days, I was already working on the list of chores I'd make for myself. I worked all day, both days this weekend. Today, I'm exhausted.
So, here's to Monday.....and staring vacantly at a computer.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Seeing Red

Well, guys and dolls, I bit the bullet. I made it to 31 before ever dying my hair. Yesterday, my hairdresser bridesmaid put a demi color in my hair, because I'm far too much of a baby about my hair to do anything permanent. This is basically pigment that doesn't damage the cuticle at all and will wash completely out of my hair in about four weeks, leaving me with my natural hair color once again. We went with the color closest to my own, which is really a light red.....the color on the box said golden bronze. It was quick, painless, and quite pleasant smelling, oddly enough. Seems the stuff you can buy in a professional store instead of an aisle at a drug store is quite a bit less noxious. In 20 minutes, my hair was rinsed and already noticeably shinier. YAY! This was really the goal. Being that we're having a wedding after several months of heater blasting at me, my hair looks dull and dry. I did not want that to be the image captured in my photos. I wanted it to look glossy and healthy, and this was the how my very trusted friend said was the best way to achieve that. I just take her word on all things hair. Desired smoothness accomplished! And it's just a tiny bit redder too. HEHE! Three cheers for Matrix products.
Over all, yesterday was a bit of a beating but a productive one. The table top fabrics are complete. The house is clean. My hair is dyed, and several shopping trips are now done. Today, I have to try to finish some other projects and cook for the Superbowl! All chores cease at 5:20 today......kickoff in case you didn't know.
Okay, time to get moving. Enjoy your Sunday, all!
Found this picture on (after following a link from Celia's page). I feel this way a lot right now. Find wall. Bang head. Repeat until you feel better.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
High gear
So, we were up at 6am. Yeah, we don't have anything pressing on our mind or anything right?! Hehe. I'm already working on my to-do list. I stopped because I realized I haven't talked to you guys yet. I am excited to strike through items on my list. This will be a productive, mood-elevating day! Oh yes. It will.
I'll give a progress report tomorrow. And I'll keep in mind....married = WIN, regardless of how anything else goes. That's straight from my betrothed. It's a good bit of info.
I'll give a progress report tomorrow. And I'll keep in mind....married = WIN, regardless of how anything else goes. That's straight from my betrothed. It's a good bit of info.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Done, done, done, done......
You know the best thing about it being Friday?? It's that this week is nearly OVER! Oh dear. I don't know if it's the rain (which has made my commute horrid) or the grey skies or the stress of trying to finish a wedding......wait. It's ALL of those things. I'm just totally DONE with this week. I'm looking forward to massive amounts of progress this weekend and a great football game with fantastic food. I believe that this weekend will renew my energy and excitement about the wedding. And maybe I'll get some pampering in that I can be back in that good place.
Wish me (and my team) luck!
Wish me (and my team) luck!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Danger Will Robinson

Well, I was in a good happy place. Nothing going wrong, and sadly there are things going awry, was bothering me. Then SNAP! Everything is bothering me. So much so that I feel entirely ill today. I hope I can get back to that happy place. And fast.
Picture from Photobucket and how I'm feeling at the moment.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Press play
We've discovered that we will need an extra song for our processional. I had intended to walk down the aisle to the same song my ladies walked in to. Then we realized where in the venue I have to walk in from. Well.....let's just say it is a very epic walk in! It takes about a minute and a half to walk the entire thing, which seems a little long for a walk. The song I want to walk into isn't long enough for me and four bridesmaids. We need an extra song. BUT WHAT?! I'm wracking my brain. We aren't using traditional music at all, so that makes things just slightly more complex.
Hmmmm........any ideas?!
Hmmmm........any ideas?!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is it wrong that I wish I could pull one of these hairpieces off, but know for a fact that I would be self-conscious about it the entire time?? Oh well. It's still pretty. Someone should wear it to the wedding just to show me how it's done! HAHA!
You can get it on Etsy at YJdesign's shop.
Monday, February 1, 2010
So close!
I had a FANTASTIC planning committee meeting yesterday. Okay, so it was my uncle, a bridesmaid, and an aunt, but I'm calling it the planning committee. That's because their only desire is to see our wedding go smoothing and just as he and I wish for it to go. Not how anyone else thinks it should be, how he and I want it. Period. Now, how cool is that? This was my uncle's idea too. This is not something I demanded in some odd bridezilla moment. He wanted to be certain that he knew exactly what our wishes are, and that we chose a few others as well for that task, to ensure as smooth a day as possible. You just don't know how touched I was by that gesture. I feel so reassured and so's the best feeling.
And cue the watery eyes. I think my tear ducts have broken during this process. They just let go of the moisture at any old time. Who knew I'd ever be this sentimental?! I am NOT an overly emotional person. Actually, on first glance or if you don't know me well, I seem just the opposite. It's kind of neat to experience such strong emotions, such strong happy emotions. I've definitely had strong emotions the other way. I like this way better.
Twenty days people! Twenty days. I'm ready. Well, no, there's still a ton to do, but I am not sure I'd care if any of it got done or not. I'm ready.
And cue the watery eyes. I think my tear ducts have broken during this process. They just let go of the moisture at any old time. Who knew I'd ever be this sentimental?! I am NOT an overly emotional person. Actually, on first glance or if you don't know me well, I seem just the opposite. It's kind of neat to experience such strong emotions, such strong happy emotions. I've definitely had strong emotions the other way. I like this way better.
Twenty days people! Twenty days. I'm ready. Well, no, there's still a ton to do, but I am not sure I'd care if any of it got done or not. I'm ready.
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