Monday, February 1, 2010

So close!

I had a FANTASTIC planning committee meeting yesterday. Okay, so it was my uncle, a bridesmaid, and an aunt, but I'm calling it the planning committee. That's because their only desire is to see our wedding go smoothing and just as he and I wish for it to go. Not how anyone else thinks it should be, how he and I want it. Period. Now, how cool is that? This was my uncle's idea too. This is not something I demanded in some odd bridezilla moment. He wanted to be certain that he knew exactly what our wishes are, and that we chose a few others as well for that task, to ensure as smooth a day as possible. You just don't know how touched I was by that gesture. I feel so reassured and so's the best feeling.

And cue the watery eyes. I think my tear ducts have broken during this process. They just let go of the moisture at any old time. Who knew I'd ever be this sentimental?! I am NOT an overly emotional person. Actually, on first glance or if you don't know me well, I seem just the opposite. It's kind of neat to experience such strong emotions, such strong happy emotions. I've definitely had strong emotions the other way. I like this way better.

Twenty days people! Twenty days. I'm ready. Well, no, there's still a ton to do, but I am not sure I'd care if any of it got done or not. I'm ready.

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