Hey......did you know I'm getting married this weekend? Heh. Yeah, thought you might.
Today is the great big errand day. We have all sorts of places to run and collect things from. I wish there was a way to not have a day like this exist, but I think it is truly inevitable. First stop, breakfast with my aunt. She has our votive holders. They just came in yesterday. Next, Ravelin Bakery in Denton to pick up the stuff that we are creating our favors out of. Then several small store dash-in, dash outs. After that, we get to assemble our favors! Remember I showed you the little plantable gift tags that are going on them? So, it's a treat for now from the bakery and a treat for later from the wildflower seeds. Cute (or maybe cheesy), right?
This evening, my betrothed and I part ways. He's off for his stag party. (And please Lord, let it be a success.) I'm off for a pedicure with my redheaded cohort! My second pedi ever. Yeah, pathetic, I know. I might also swing into the gym beforehand. I gained this week, and yes, I went to the gym twice already. I'm not happy about it at all! Darn Valentine's brownies! They're just so irresistible with their little caramel swirl.
As a side bar.....my brother send me an awesome picture text last night. It was a baby with a mohawk doing a mean face and pumping his fist with a caption that said "Let's $#@%^* do this!" and a note from him stating that this is our motto for the weekend. I laughed for a good five minutes over it. Good call, Bubba. Good call!
I can't find the baby photo online, so you get Rosie the Riveter instead. :)
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