My honey is ill, and I hate it when he's ill. So, I generally just try to do thing that distract him from it, like making meals he really likes or bring home special treats. He mentioned brownies on an off-hand comment, so I set out on a brownie hunt. I looked through recipes, picked one, and trekked out to buy ingredients at lunch only to be foiled by a sudden, torrential down pour with extremely high winds that threatened to topple my very boxy car. No brownies were going to be had. I was so upset that I couldn't pull it off. I figured out another tasty treat, but they weren't brownies. Boo!
When I got home, my honey announced that he had surprises for me! He'd gotten my favorite beer and a little miniature figurine for me (like the ones on his groom's cake). He said he just wanted me to know that he really appreciated that I wanted to make him brownies and went through all sorts of hassle (even trying to make due with oddball ingredients in our house already) to do it! So, because I wanted to do something nice for him, he did something nice for me instead. How sweet is that?! It really means a lot to me.
This is the mini he got me, though it's unpainted. He'll paint her, just for me, with red hair and a green robe....because that's what I'd wear. It's my sign!
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