I know siblings have all sorts of relationships. Some are very close. Some barely know each other. My brother and I are definitely the close kind. I cannot imagine it any other way, really. He's always been my big protector and rescuer. I've always been the ear and the nurturer. It works well for us, and we've remained close even when we haven't been able to see much of each other. We go in spells of seeing each other a lot and then not being able to manage it.

When we decided that we would, without a doubt, be having a wedding, I knew one thing instantly. I wanted my brother to walk me down the aisle. I knew it before we announced the engagement. When we finally did announce it, it was one of the first things I squared away. I asked him and his response was "Are you sure you don't want Grampa to do it??" I told him I was 100% certain. Then he thought he'd made me think that he didn't want to do it! Nope, I knew what he meant by it. Then he hugged me and said he'd be proud to walk me.

He was SO nervous the day of the wedding. Tentative. Afraid to step on my dress or let me fall. Eh, he'd never let me fall! He told me that the music was beautiful while we were walking down the aisle and so was I. It was one of the highlights of the day and made me very, very happy. Plus, it was the first time he'd ever worn a tux. How handsome is he?!
Photos by A Love Story Photography
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