I bought my wedding dress long before reading my first blog. This is important information, because I feel that if I'd starting reading blogs prior to making this major decision, I'd own a different wedding dress. That said, thank the dear Lord that I am totally in love with my dress and have no desire to find a replacement. It's just that......I never even considered that a wedding dress could be SHORT! I'm seeing wedding after beautiful wedding with sassy women in these to-die-for short
(usually vintage which makes me ache a little for how I love nostalgic things) dresses, like
Meg from A Practical Wedding. I'm 5'2" people! A short dress would have saved me the cost of alterations, because at that height, even if the designer offers the dress in petite it will still be far too long.
This is really just a testament to the fact that weddings have been so etched in my brain as requiring very specific things, and a long dress was one of them. I love my long dress, but a sassy short one would have been truly awesome. It never stood a chance, because for some arbitrary reason, it wasn't on the list of possibilities.
Here's to keeping an open mind for the remaining decision!
Photo from Etsy....which makes me thank my lucky stars that this isn't the ONLY party I'll ever need a nice dress for. Tee-hee.
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