Wednesday, November 10, 2010


The time change is not agreeing with me.  I am LOOPY, people!  I stared at my paperclip holder for at least 30 second trying to figure out how to put more paperclips into it….

….then missed!

Everyone in our household seems a bit off this week.  Riley, no longer of the swollen face, is waking me up so that she can use the bathroom again.  WE JUST GOT OVER THAT!  Then they went and “gave” us an hour.  Now she’s all confused and can’t figure out why mommy is “sleeping in” every morning, though it’s only 4:30 in the morning in non-puppy time.  The husband fell asleep on the couch Sunday night at 8:30.  So we went to bed.  At 8:30!  Yeah, we’re ancient.  And he’s not slept well at all this week, which affects how I sleep (which I just spelled slepp). 

Oh yes, this is one out of whack family right now.  We’ll be very happy when our bodies have readjusted.  I do not ever remember being so heavily affected by the time change.  Can we just do away with it?  Please.  J

I'm so out of it that I missed out on my blog-o-versary!  Yeah, I've been blogging for a year as of the 7th.  Who knew I'd keep doing it past the wedding?  Certainly not me.  So, what do you think, should I keep doing it?  

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