Our venue isn't all that.......traditional. I looked at all of the wedding venues in the area and even as far as a few hours outside of the area too online. I knew we didn't want a church ceremony and a hotel ballroom reception, and well, that is really how most of those venues felt to me. I wanted both the ceremony and the reception in the exact same space. I didn't want to deal with the logistics of moving people and arranging transportation. Plus, one space equals one rental fee, not two.
So, after eliminating all but one "wedding" venue, I stated typing keywords into Google Maps: winery, vineyard, atrium, and garden. From that, there were so many more good spots to look through! There was a winery that I loved, but they were booked on our date. I still want to go do one of their tours/tastings. It's called Delaney Vineyards in Grapevine. Shame it was booked, but I think it turned out all right.
In the end, we visited three venues. I'll start with number three!
La Buena Vida is a vineyard in Grapevine. It has a stunning patio! It has two fountains and flagstone. There were gas-flame scones on every beam. The setting was truly lovely. Unfortunately, the building that went with it was very small, so if it was cold, we didn't have enough space to accommodate our guests. Also, every thing was completely line-item, so things added up fast. Very little was actually included in the rental fee. Also, you couldn't use anything but their wine without a large fee, and all rentals had to be self-secured. It was just too overwhelming for me. I was hoping to find something that was a bit more all-inclusive, so we passed on it. If you're having a wedding in late spring to early fall, this patio is definitely a must-see.
Photo from grapevinetexasusa.com.
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