Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Okay, did we really have to go from a winter that contained multiple show storm IN Texas....directly into full-fledged, 100 degree heat summertime? It's only been summer for two days, and it's breaking the century mark with even higher heat indexes. Usually, I don't mind so much about the heat. I just hibernate in the A/C all summer long to seek my far-too-pale self from burning. But this year, I'm trying to motivate myself to go to the gym at lunch, and that is so much harder when it's stifling outside. My office is one of the warmest spots in the building anyhow, so I'm usually a bit warm all day without running on an elliptical during lunch!

Anyhow have tips or tricks they can share to combat the heat and still get a good workout in? Does the heat stop you from working out?

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