For my efforts? Well, a little lovin' and bonding time with a great kid and.....sunburns. They don't look too bad in the photos, but they're quite red. That's after extra applications of sunscreen! It was totally worth it.
I literally crashed when I got home. We were in the park from 11-4 plus and hour drive each way. I was exhausted from the heat and from being a human buoy. I ate have a Papa Murphy's pizza and zonked out. I didn't get up till 8:30am on Saturday, which is totally uncharacteristic for me! I usually can't sleep past 7.
Saturday, I worked hard to get all of my chores completed so that I could go on a special mission. A puppy quest!
I started with the Denton County Animal Shelter. I have to say, they have great rates, a clean facility, and really friendly volunteers. Sadly, they didn't have a pup that suited our needs. Actually, they had one pup I might have been interested in, but she got adopted while I was there. Good for her!
So, I moved on to the PetSmart in McKinney. They were having an adoption fair with the Red River Humane Society. I actually found out about this fair from I was going for a specific dog. As I walked up to the pen, the puppy I'd came to see was being lifted out of the cage. Literally. It was kind of heart breaking. I waited around til they finalized the adoption of the little black lab/heeler mix. They had a sister to that pup, but it was three hours away from here. Then I started looking at the full grown labs that they had that were up for adoption, and they had several sadly, and it became very clear that labs are just too big for me. So, perhaps it is fate that the pup was snatched right out from under me.
As I waited to see if the pup I'd came for was actually going home with the other family, I paid very close attention to the other pups. One kept calling me back to it. No one could tell me much about her. No one even seemed to care if I took her. She was just so demure. She huddled under the other pups and even let one bite on her ear without fighting back. I realize that might make her a bit wimpy, but I have my cats to think of. I wanted a dog that wouldn't be an immediate, outright aggressor. She definitely wasn't. After about an hour of multiple texts and several heart-wrenching phone calls with the husband, I decided to take this little shunned pup!
And here she is!

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